Ash wednesday 2019 imposition ashes

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We listen to God’s Word read in our worship services so that it can come into our ears from outside of us.

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The gifts of God come to us from outside of us (the fancy Latin term there is “extra nos,”). I don’t think that’s really the kind of sorrow I’m supposed to be feeling. More like self-pity. But most of the time, I’m just feeling guilty for being so weak as to not be able to participate in the season as I think I should, and like everyone else does. I know we’re supposed to be repentant, feeling sorrow for our sins and contemplating Christ’s sufferings. Oh, I can do reasonably well for a few days, but then it’s almost always back to what suits my mood and desires at the time. I rebel against any and all constraints put on my freedom - even just to follow through with the basic necessities of life and have things scheduled on my calendar.

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As people are posting on social media about what they’re giving up (sometimes social media!), what they’re adding, what they’re doing to try and practice some penitent self-control through the season of Lent, this fact becomes all the more clear. From Sandra Ostapowich, The Imposition of Repentance | Baptizatus Sum:

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